M&M Donut | Rebellion Donuts

March 1st, 2020. Rebellion Donuts have long been one of my frequent shops in the Noblesville area, being the only donutry that has managed to nail both creative toppings and a good donut beneath them. I went up with my Mom on a Sunday morning after delivering some cardboard to the local recycling drop-off. It's become a ritual for us every few months. Today I specifically wanted to get myself my favorite Rebellion donut: the M&M Topped yeast donut. Ostensibly made for children visiting with their parents, I simply can't enough enough of this thing. 

Rebellion's Yeast donut recipe has a few qualities I deeply respect and seldom find: they're enormous, puffy pastries that don't feel *too* airy thanks to a certain chewiness. The outside of the donut is flaky and flavorful, never greasy.  On this particular offering, the chocolate icing is not too strong in flavor. Honestly, many donut makers used canned chocolate icing that is trying too hard. Does that make sense? I'm not quite sure it does, but...anyway, this doesn't taste like the type of chocolate you'd get out of a box. Maybe it is. It's not like I know. The addition of M&Ms create a nice crunch contrast crunch soft  and delicate texture of the donut.

So yeah, this is one of my favorite donuts of all time. Rebellion has a number of great treats in their roster, but I'll go deeper into most of those at another time (all of them deserve the spotlight). However, I would like to mention another part of today's visit with my Mom, and that is the experience I had feeding my one year old son, Breadhole Jr, his first Glazed Yeast (GY) donut.

Jr. has had a few donuts in his time. He had a few cake donuts from Rebellion, in fact, as well as some bagged Krispie Creame Kruellers. But he had not yet tried the most important type of donut yet, the fundament of all donutry. So I picked up a GY for him and brought it home just in time for his mid-morning snack.

I let him pick up and manipulate the donut itself. Thankfully Rebellion doesn't half-ass their glazejob. You can tell a donut is glazed poorly when the sugar is overly sticky or gooey. A good glazed donut flakes off in noticeable chunks, as this does. Jr. was a little intimidated by how large the donut is, as he is not yet to the point of eating food we haven't cut for him. Unfortunately I think he was overwhelmed a bit. I took the donut back (he screamed after it) and then cut off little bits. I fed him about 1/8th of the donut before he got distracted by a banana, his most favorite food. After eating the entire banana, he became enamored with the donut again, so I gave him a little more. The chewy yeast make it a little hard for him to eat, I think, but only in the sense that he wasn't shoving it piece by piece in his mouth like he does most foods these days. 

This is a one-cup of coffee per donut kind of delicacy.

M&M Donut: 5 out of 5 holes.
Glazed Yeast: 5 out of 5 Holes
Feeding Jr. a Donut: Priceless.


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