Chocolate Frosted Donut | Rise 'n Roll Bakery

February 28th, 2020. My coworker Michael brought Rise 'n Roll donuts into work for us to try. The bakery chain - originally from northern Indiana, and originally Amish - opened as part of one of the fancy new developments in Fishers. I'd never been, personally, but always welcome a new donut experience.

My preference when trying a new bakery is to try a traditional glazed and whatever happens to be that baker's "specialty." The problem with Rise 'n Roll is that they do not sell traditional glazed donuts, and their unique offerings are all nut or peanut based. I have a serious nut and peanut allergy, and thus could not take part in either of my usual fair tasting techniques.

I settled for a chocolate iced as well as a caramel iced. The donut itself is a reasonably sized pastry - a 'two per cup of coffee' kind of treat. It isn't puffed up in size like many yeast, but it isn't dense to the point where it might seem like a cake donut. My coworkers and I compared it to 'cotton candy.' Quite unique in texture.

The chocolate icing was generic in flavor and unnecessary given the quality of the donut. The caramel icing, however, was exquisite. Judging by the number of donuts at Rise 'n Roll that feature their caramel, it seems they truly do make it in-house and the taste is authentic. Oftentimes caramel is needlessly sweet, but here it has the slightly burned quality on the back of your tongue. Very good.

There is little chance I'll be making my way back to Rise 'n Roll, simply due to the possibility of cross-contamination and the lacking variety of non-nut options. My coworkers, though, were impressed and pleased with their choices: one was a "Peanut Bismark," a hole-less donut with caramel icing and peanuts, the other a cinnamon sugar + caramel traditional donut.

I'd give Rise & Roll a solid 3 Holes out of 5, with two donuts per cup of coffee.

You can find Rise & Roll's menu here.


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